How We Handle Ungodly Authorities
Community Group Questions
1. Share with your Community Group your biggest takeaway from Sunday’s message.
2. Do you rejoice when those around you become successful? If not, why not? How have you allowed someone else’s blessing to make you jealous?
3. How are you currently dealing with an ungodly boss and what did you learn from the message that will help you change your heart and perspective?
One of the statements Pastor Paul read on Sunday was by Rick Joyner.
“For the most part the people who flock to the church where the Holy Spirit is doing great things are also not going to be nice people, but unbalanced, the sick, and the needy people. Initially they aren’t interested in becoming like Jesus, establishing His Kingdom, and becoming a blessing to everyone with whom they come in contact. They’ll cry, I need that music, that word, that prophecy, that pastor. However, God can take sow’s ear and make a silk purse out of it.”
4. How do you prepare your heart to allow the Holy Spirit to work through the church so powerfully that we become “The Caves of Adullam” for the needy, nobodies, and nuts in our community?