Waking Up: To What God is Doing
Community Group Questions for Wednesday, February 7
Revelation 3:1-6
It was stated Sunday by Pastor Paul that, “Waking up each day is not just opening our eyes to the world around us, but developing the sight of Kingdom potential, which gets us ready to see the possibilities in front of us.” When God confronts us He opens our eyes to what He is wanting to do in us. What is God opening your eyes to and confronting you with that He is wanting to change in you?
Share with your Community Group one thing you have sown in your life that produced a good harvest and one thing you have sown in your life that produced a bad harvest.
The message concluded with a plan of where each of us go from here:
Wake Up
What do you need to remember?
What do you need to repent of?
What do you need to wake up to?