Conflict Management

Community Group Questions

1.    When conflict arises, do you “jump on the bandwagon” and get fired up, or are you able to walk in meekness in order to change the level of angry emotional intensity in a situation?

Proverbs 15:1, "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."

2.    Often times, we are brought into a conflict we were unaware of, or had no part in creating. However, it is our biblical responsibility to minister to people in those situations. Do you have an example of this to share from your life?

3.    Are you a venter or internalizer? How can you improve in this area?

4.    How do you handle receiving correction during conflict from others? Are you willing to allow others to speak into your life or to diffuse a conflict you are a part of?

5.    When caught up in a conflict, how easy is it for you to stop and consider the source before becoming driven by anger? What are some practical ways that you can wisely put revengeful anger into perspective? Are you willing to allow God to exact His revenge and not rush into slaughter like David?


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